Monday, March 26, 2012

Numbbba 11

#11. Talk about my top three favorite bands.

Well, let's make this fun and start from the beginning!

First it started out with

Then as I went through my awkward years it was a mixture of this

Plus rap.

Now I would say it's

 And DEFINITELY these guys! They are amazing, check them out :) If you don't like them..then you're an idiot. 
Juuuuust kidding! (but seriously)

Alright, so I broke the rule on this question and posted more than 3. How do you choose ONLY three??


Sunday, March 25, 2012

10, however, is much cooler.

#10. Talk about your pets, or the pets you would like to have?

Growing up I have always had dogs and cats. My dad used to breed German Shorthaired Pointers. They are such a cute puppies and great dogs. But VERY hyper. When I first started dating Kevin, I was feeling one of those "aaaaawkaaard" moments so me being real original asked, "So..uh...what's your favorite animal?" (dumb.) Then he told me he had always wanted a German Shorthaired Pointer and I just laughed and then told him all about how my dad used to breed/sell them and hunt with them. So, thankfully, a dumb question turned into fun conversation ha ha. 

My cat, Simon, is awesome. I pretty much don't like cats except for him. Why do I love him? Because he loves me, follows me around, doesn't need a litter box (those are gross), and he's super fat and cuddly.Well, that was 3 years ago maybe. I don't live with my mom anymore and had to leave him there. Now he has lost weight and the poor baby is getting old :( 

Teka we had when I was probably 5..ish? She was malamute, wolf, and german shepherd. And she was a shit head. She drug me around my yard by my pants once while I screamed and my mom laughed. She always knocked me over by either swatting me with her massive paws or brushing up against me. She was a turd, but I loved her :)

TJ was a cocker spaniel mix, and he LOVED my mom. He also loved playing fetch, except for the part where he is supposed to return the ball back to you. Turd! I think the 10 years we had them we never wore socks that didn't have holes in them! The dog loved stealing your socks and carrying them around and he even would sleep with them in his mouth!

Then we had Nikki. My mom brought her home from work one day. She belonged to a girl that she worked with that couldn't take care of her anymore. Nikki was 11 when we first got her, and she was a small black dog mixed with everything. Her mom got around, because I honestly don't know what she was. She was the sweetest little thing and eventually her kidneys gave out :( I hate more than anything when you lose your pets :(

Next in line, is Emmi. She is a freak, spaz, strange little dog. She is a rat terrier and let's just say at first...I was not a fan. She's grown on me and now I absolutely love her. Still a turd, but a lot of fun. 

So as you can see, I really love my animals because I have so many pictures to show of them. I also have just realized how many pets I have had and it's a lot. I sound like one of those crazy pet owners!!

Next pet in line:

Yes. A Saint Bernard :) I have fallen in love with these dogs. According to Kevin, I'm obsessed ha ha. It's more like I just want a very large dog. I always have, and for some reason these droopy faced furry guys are tugging at my heart strings! Of course out of all dogs I would want some massive 200+ dog that probably eats a tank a day, sheds a TON, and let's just say we would need the biggest pooper scooper out there. 
Oh well :)
My fiance is so cute by the way! A couple weeks ago he called PetSmart and asked if they had any Saint Bernards in their store ha ha. They didn't, but he talked with a lady that knew all this information about them and told us who to contact when we decide to get one ha ha. It's probably a good thing that they didn't have one in, or I would have one big puppy taking up lots of my time right now :) 
Thanks for reading my strange pet story hahaha. 
Have a great day, all!

Number 9 is stupid.

It's stupid because I feel slightly stupid that I don't know what a meme is.
I also don't want to look up what it sorry. This post is lame.

Friday, March 23, 2012


#8. Are you a fitness guru or a couch potato? Talk about your exercise health habits.

I would not call myself a guru that's for sure, baha.
Since I have met Kevin I have definitely taken an interest in health and fitness now. Before, I would workout here and there but it would really only last a couple months and then I would take like a three month break, wooooops. Kevin is a health junky. He may not admit or label himself "health junky" exactly, but he definitely loves health and fitness. Now I have joined in on this hobby and lifestyle!
I love working out. Yes I have days where I am not jumping up and down to get into the gym, but really half my battle is just getting me there. This month has been non-stop with things going on, but normally I am pretty consistant in going to the gym. Kevin has helped me with training a TON and I finally feel like I actually am doing the right workouts, correct form, and good eating to get me to where I wanna be. I'm still on that road there, but will get there :) My gym buddies as of now are Shalece and Lauren. They are hilarious and I love them both. It's always nice to have someone to go with because sometimes being by myself can be, not boring, but not as fun :)

So my routine is set up in specific days. I focus on one area each day and I am currently following a strict diet of basically chicken or fish, veggies, and a serving of some sort of starch ( like sweet potatoes or brown rice for example). Yea it's great, I just LOVE eating only those things. Not. It sucks. The hardest thing for me though is drinking lots of water. And I mean LOTS OF WATER. Not to mention it's annoying how many times you flipping have to use the bathroom!!!
Kevin had me set up to focus on a specific area on certain days. For example, Mondays are biceps and back, Tuesdays are legs day(ouch!), Wednesdays are shoulders, triceps, and Thursdays are chest and abs. I think when people hear of this routine they get nervous that they are not getting a good workout in or that they are't going to see results because they feel like they need to work every muscle out every day. Not true and PLEASE don't do that. Your body will scream at you and will actually take longer to show results...and will scream at you. You should give each muscle area at least 5 days to a week before you work that area again because that's about how long it will take those muscles to build up and repair from your last workout.
Another thing I have researched and learned from my routines is that cardio really isn't something to obsess about. Lifting weights actually burns more fat and helps increase your cardio. Last year when I started really excersing, I only focused on weights. After about 1-1.5 months I started to include running in my routine. I HATE running and was never good at it. When I started including it in my routine, I felt like I could run forever!! It was easy and I could run at a consistant speed.

Ladies, pleaaaaaaaaaaaase don't be afraid of weights. You are not going to turn into this

Unless you are:
1. Using steroids
2. Using steriods
3. A man. I'm kidding, that was rude, but seriously unless you are using some type of steriod, testosterone, or what will NEVER look like this.
What you will have is this

A beautiful body that you have worked HARD for!
If you mess up or miss a day, month, or year, just get back into the routine and make is a part of your schedule. There are plenty of routines you can do at home too, like P90X or Insanity, etc. You can do it! Last semester till about a couple months ago, probably 5 months total, I was unable to get into the gym becasue I had 19 school credits to keep up with. I have decided to start this program

It's great and breaks everything down for you. You learn what excercises you do on what days, the amount of reps, and your diet. :)

This was a long post, but I have really found a love in fitness and healthy diet recently. I'm still learning a lot and have been reading a lot of articles and advice online. Right now it would be impossible, but one day I would love to be able to push myself and maybe compete in a figure competition or become a trainer. It's sparked my interest, but I have a long ways to go! We'll see what God has planned for me :)
Hope you enjoyed reading and maybe found some help or inspiration here :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


#7. How you came across tumblr, and how your life has changed since joining?

This is not tumblr bad.
I guess since joining blogger I have realized how much free time I can have and how that makes me look like I need to get a life.
But, on a more positive note, I realized how much I actually like to write!
So that's neat... yep! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Numero sixo

Hi Kevin, I know you are reading this because you asked me to blog because I make you laugh. 
Make fiance laugh today: CHECK!

Alright well before I start off question 6, I wanted to write down what I read this morning. It stood out to me and was a great refresher as to why we are here.

"But nothing but God ever completely satisfies, because the soul was made for God, and without God it is restless and in secret torment."-Billy Graham ( Oh Billy, you've done it again!)

Our soul is a such a mysterious and special thing. I know that sounds weird to say, but it's always how I have thought about it. I've always wondered when talking with, or hearing about other conversations, an unbeliever or atheist, what about the soul? Ok, so our bodies are here, our organs function, we are physically seen  and heard. Our brains function so that it tells us how to survive and how are bodies should function. 
But about the soul?
This short passage by Billy Graham said it perfectly. You can't explain why the soul exists and why our emotions and feelings are there. It's because God made us this way. Our soul was made for Him.
We were made for God and our soul longs for Him. Believers and unbelievers are always looking for the answer to this question
What will make me happy?
Jesus is truly the answer. We were made for love and to be loved. Anyone who crosses this blog and is searching or you are an unbeliever. Challenge yourself to research into the Bible and listen to some sermons. You can't proclaim to not believe in something if you haven't done your research ;) Plus, it won't hurt you to read the Bible and research just like it doesn't hurt when you are researching for a school paper. Try praying for at least 5-10 minutes every morning before you start your day for a couple weeks. See if you feel anything different or tuggin at the heart strings :) 
God is good!
 If you wanna check out the book I read this in, its called Enduring Classics of Billy Graham!
Ok, question #6. Your favorite season, and why?

 So I can enjoy the hot day and drink a cold one with my family and friends!

So I can lay out and get tan!

 And so I can do this!

Oh man you guys, summer is just the best. You winter folks are frrrrreeaks. And yea, Spring is nice and Fall is pretty.
Psh, whatever. Those in between seasons don't count. They just make you say things like,"Oh man I like totally wish Summer was here so I can liiiike get tan and have a bikini body, riiiight?" Or "Yea brahhhh, I just wish it would dump like 20 inches so I can go shred and like hit up the back country, maaan." 
Say it with me. Suuu-mmm-errrrrr.
There ya go

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


#5. Tell us your three favorite colors.

Psh! Easy.

Any shade of Green

....and sometimes Orange.


Monday, March 19, 2012

....and Day #4

This one will be fun :)

#4. Write about your closest friend.

There is a lot I could write about this face below:

1. She's awesome
2. She's my bestie

This here people, is Morgan. We met when we were in 5th grade when we were like 8, 9,10??? However old 5th graders are? Maybe it was 4th? You know what....I'm gonna stop trying. We've been friends for a loooong time. We've grown up together through days where we would pretend to be Indians and hide weird things in the corral, ROLLERBLADE hahahaha, through our awkward teenage years, into our college days, and now we are getting married. 
No. Not to each other, but we know a lot of people used to think we were lesbians. I think sometimes family even thought we were, but noooooo we aren't. Let's clear that up now!
Anyways, Morgan and her family have been there for me while I was going through a whole lot of stuff growing up. I'm so close to her family that I know her entire family, both sides, and love them all! They are all so much fun and such sweet people. They all have made me feel like a part of the family as well.

Probably one of the biggest reasons that Morgan and I are close friends is because she knows me better than myself, she can read my mind, and she is honest. I can turn to her and tell her anything and she is always there to listen to me and help me out. We can be major dorks together and own it proudly ha ha. Who am I kidding. We CAN be dorks? We ARE dorks and own it proudly. Basically we do everything together and everyone knows that when they see one of us alone they ask,"Where is Morgan?" or "Where is Ashley?" That's how much we hang out and although I'm happy for her getting married to Muffin man, I'm a little sad about growing up and life being busy. So...couples game night! Like every night!!! And we're back on track! Ha ha just kidding, just every other night.
The best times is when we go on vacations and can spread our awesomeness around. (I think people view it more as "specialness" but they are mistaken)

Hope you enjoyed those pictures up above ha ha. That's us in a nutshell. I really wish we had some pictures from when we were kids but I'm not sure we have many?? So yep! This girl is pretty special to me and I love her to death! She's my "breast" friend, long story, and always will be :) Love you Morg!
Can't wait for your wedding!
(Note to future children: Your probably looking at these pictures saying,"Is that Mom and Aunt Morgan! Dang they look great!!!" At least, I hope you say that. And yes. That's Aunt Morgan! She is hilarious and also has full rights to discipline you. Look, it takes a village to raise a kid, ok? Anyways, she rocks and you will have to sit through all of our stories that we talk about. She also will fully enjoy embarrassing you, and I can't wait for it muahaha. She will love you dearly, until you hit 5, then she is gonna need a break ;) Haha! She will always be there for you!)

Day #3 ..... and #4

Yea I already failed at this thing. Whatever. Alright Question #3

#3. Your favorite television program?

Oh. Yes!!
How I met your Mother!

(Note to Morgan: You definitely need to start watching this now. It's on Netflix, go! I know you've been wanting to.)
Right now I'm addicted to this show. It's hilarious and I love it and it's Legen......waaaait foooooor iiiiit......dary!!
If you watch would know who said it. So go watch it and be a dork with me and qoute it with me. *cough*Morgan*cough**cough*
Every character is hilarious, I don't know who is my favorite yet but I can tell you that Kevin definitely loves Marshall. I blame Kevin for this current obsession of watching this show. He's been watching it for awhile now and just finished season 6 while I'm still on season 3. you care about that part ha ha.
The point. I love this show. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day #2

Alright. Day 2. Here. We. Go.

#2. Talk about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any?

When I was 19 I had stripes put on my back so that I looked like some kind of tiger. I honestly have no idea why I did it and I really regret it. I mean seriously? WTF. I really thought at the time that it would look cool. It's not even finished either because it hurt and tattoos are expensive. So before you decide to get a tattoo, you should really think about what you get and make sure it actually HAS meaning. 

 I think I was 18 when I was at the Newgate mall with Morgan and decided to get my nose pierced. That was quite the experience! So anyways I spontaneously just wanted to get my nose pierced and Morgan said, "DOOO IT!!" So I called her mom to ask if I could. The reason I called her? Because she was my boss also. Chris was a bit hesitant but didn't mind. So I go in and they laid me on my side and stab this needle through my nose. That actually didn't hurt, but when he was putting the jewelry in it hurt bad. It took him 3 times to try and get that sucker in my nose. Bleh. Then I paid my $40 and left. 3 months later it fell out while washing my face and went bye-bye down the sink. That's when I decided it was overrated and I think I just did it to do it.....and also to see my dad's reaction haha. He hated it. Wasn't I such an angel? :) 

So that's my story. I hope you learned some lessons and will think a few times before getting any piercings and tattoos. Oh by the way, I don't have stripes on my back. That would be super creepy and weird. I don't even have a tattoo. Thanks for reading!..sucker.. ;)

Friday, March 16, 2012

30 Day Blog Challenge

Yep I'm gonna challenge myself because I think this 30 day challenge will help me get into the habit of blogging and I won't just stop and forget about it. I like challenges so I think this will help :) Fingers crossed! The questions get kind of random on this list...which is exactly why I chose it ha ha. Alright so....

#1. Your middle name and how you feel about it?

My middle name is Marilyn. How do I feel about it? Honored and special :) Ok so the story in a nutshell, which is sad but will end on a good note. I promise! So my mom was only 8 years old when her mother, Marilyn, passed away from a heart attack. She loved her mother and as she grew up she only had photographs to look at and the stories from her and her siblings to remember all the memories she had with her. Sad part over, fast forward years later and there my mom is laying in the hospital having a C-section and TA-DA the cutest baby in the world the room nearby. I was born at a whopping 8lb and 4oz and bald as could be. Not the cutest baby in the world. But hey, who doesn't like chubby babies!? My dad named me Ashley and my mom named me after my grandmother Marilyn :) No one else in our huge family carries on her name and I feel very honored to be able to. I like that my middle name has meaning and is after someone very special. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Engagement Day :)

Ok, so today I'm really bored because I'm all caught up at work so I will be posting stuff for awhile probably. I haven't been able to do it lately because I have literally been busy planning, helping others plan, and trying to keep up on other things all at once. It's really hard, I'm not gonna lie. However, it's all fun at the same time :)

So, now to the fun part. OUR ENGAGEMENT DAY! This may be boring to whoever reads this, but I am doing this mostly for me and Kevin and our family to be able to read when I get the book printed one day. I had NO IDEA that he was going to propose. Seriously, if I did I would not have worn this:

Let me break this down: Red sunglasses, my awesome .5k t-shirt. Yes you read that right .5k. That was from a different awesome day ha ha. Lastly, hot pink shorts. Do I know fashion or what??

So, the day was September 25, 2011 and we were all going up to hike Ben Lomond Peak. It was Kevin, me, Sam, Tay, Rachel, and Thomas. The drive up was beautiful and pretty fun because we all got to ride in Tay's new truck. After a couple hours though we were over it and ready to hike!

There's Sam, I was pretty jealous he was up on this massive boulder because I wanted to get up there so bad ha ha. But I'm vertically challenged and had crappy shoes on so it was probably a good choice I didn't go for it.

 I have a LOT more pictures and of course I can't find them to post here. We saw some mountain goats which was pretty sweet! Then a moment later we passed some hunters hiking out and one had the head of a mountain goat tied to his pack.....not so sweet....moving on! Let's just say the whole time, everyone knew Kevin was going to propose to me, except me. I seriously thought he was going to propose on my birthday and didn't think twice that he would maybe propose at the top. So there we are hiking away, and I'm bringing up the back. Surprise surprise! I was sweating, my hip was killing me, and any thought that I was in shape immediately left my mind because I was out of breath. It was a perfect day for a hike though and so much fun. We were goofing around and I really wish I had more pictures to post. 
Yea, I'm 5'2" and he's 6'5"...there is a sliiiiight height difference! I love it :) (Note to our future children: We rule.)

 These guuuuuys! My new brothers, and I have to say they are pretty awesome. I can finely keep up with Sam's sarcasm now and Tay cracks me up. No, they are not a couple ha ha, but we always make them take a picture together when we all hang out just to tease them. (Note to our future children: These two have the WORST farts ever. They own it proudly! They are also big teddy bears and  a whole lot of fun. Plan on some sweet trips with these guys!)
These two! Well here they are in a nutshell. I actually met Rachel a few years ago at a Bible study through Intervarsity. From the day I met her I loved her because we share the same humor and she is so much fun! Who knew I would marry her brother?? Well apparently her because before me and Kev had ever even met she told him that he could marry me ha ha. Her and Thomas started dating last summer and I'm pretty sure are the next in line to get hitched ;) (Note to our future children: You will probably learn a lot of, if not most, of your sarcasm from these two. They are super fun and Rachel has full rights as your aunt to discipline you. read it here. So I don't want to hear any complaints. She is amazing with kids! They are both fun and adventurous people so plan on many adventure filled days!)

Hannah wasn't there this day, but we got to see her at dinner. She is a sweetheart and I'm happy to have two new sisters!! :) (Note to future children: Your aunt Hannah is a sweetie and she has a heart for trying new things. Since I have met her she has been involved in dance, swimming, and I don't think it will end there. Maybe she will teach you her skills!) 

Ok moving forward, so we are almost to the top and Sam and Tay totally ditched us and got there way before we did. Turns out, it was all part of the plan and you will know why in a minute. So just wait. We finally get up there and sit down and have a beer and eat some lunch.We are all enjoying the moment, in my head I'm secretly thinking, "Thank God I made it up here alive, I'm about to kill over." 

Right?!!! cute... I know ;)

So we take pictures and we are all just hanging out and then I'm thinking we are about to head back to the truck and I march up to the tin case stand where you are suppose to sign your name if you made it to the top. I'm like, "Let's sign this thing!!" and I flip up the lid and stare at this:

For a split second I thought, "Oh shit. I just ruined someone's proposal." Yea...I'm really smart I went to college. Then I yell out, " FOR REAAAAAL!?" Just a note: Kevin was actually holding the ring, this picture was taken after he proposed. Anyways so I turn and Kev is on his knee, which makes him like the same height as me, and he says," I love you Ash, will you marry me?" He said he had more planned to say but when I started crying he was trying not to and spaced what he wanted to say ha ha. So then I circle yes and do my "happy dance" about 500 times squared. Everyone has their cameras out and then I look over and Rachel is pulling out champagne and little cups. That's when I realized everyone knew and was in on it. Sam and Tay had hurried ahead to the top to write on the notepad for Kevin. Rachel got to the top and was leaning against the tin stand so that I couldn't sign it yet till we left. It was so awesome and the happiest day and coolest engagement ever :)

Might I add that we had some awesome photographers doing work, I love all our pictures :)

I think after the proposal everyone was so relieved ha ha. They were trying to not give it away or completely blow it by accidentally saying something. At one point, and I can't remember who, was singing some love song and Tay said, "That's a perfect song for today!" I remember Rachel saying something along the lines of not really or something basically telling him to shut it ha ha. The one person who almost completely blew it though was me! Before we had even left the house we were all in the kitchen waiting for some others. I was sitting down across from Rachel and Kevin was leaning on the fridge right next to me. I looked over and was talking to Kev when I just thought I would bug him, it's my favorite thing to do :), and I just reached across and unzipped his side pocket zipper on his shorts. He reached down and said, "Hey girl! Don't be unzippin my zippers," and zipped it shut. I just laughed and then went on talking because I never shut up and didn't think twice about it. Well, that pocket is where he was holding my ring and while I was sitting there blabbing away, everyone else in the room had just pooped their pants ha ha. 
So that's the story! When we got home Scott and Joy had an amazing dinner all cooked up for all of us and an engagement cake to celebrate. I love Kevin so much and I can't imagine being with anyone else. Yep...I'm bringing on the cheese so be ready! He seriously hasn't changed since the day I have met him. He is always so sweet and extremely caring. Our story just amazes me. I love that Rachel had said he could marry me before he had ever even met me. Steffen and Morgan were trying to set us up as well but the times that they tried never worked out with all our schedules really. I'm pretty flipping glad I told Lyndy I would go to beerfest that summer in 2010 because that's where it all began. Kevin's parents also met over enjoying a beer together. See people, beer brings people together! ;)  I can't wait to be his wife and I absolutely love his family!! I'm so blessed and happy that this is part of the plan that God has for me. August can get here now :) 

Just to sum up 2011 in a nutshell..

2011...Hmmmm well let's see. The one and only LaFawnda married Idaho (Matt Robinson). So now her theme song to life is "Hey Mrs. Robinson!" and you know the rest. I basically take credit for them getting hitched because after their first date she wasn't so sure. I told her that first dates suck ESPECIALLY blind dates. You don't know if the person is going to be a complete dbag, has a lazy eye, maybe 6 children, or a complete crazy. Sorry if you are exactly what I bad. Anyways, they fell in love and he said, "Yo guuurl, marry me." and she said, "Umm, ohyeaforsure!" Now they are happy and guess what!? BABY ON THE WAY. omg. I can't flipping wait to snug the little boy :)

Ok, next awesome thing! Steffen and Morgan got engaged on July 1, 2011. Steffen tried to be as sneaky as he could but Morgan knew he was going to pop the question. She has crazy mind reading skills. I'm pretty sure right now she is at work reading mine right now. Her ring is GORGEOUS :) Kevin helped Steffen set up the Nordic house and I believe Steffen cooked up a  yummy dinner and they ate out by the fire. He bought this really cool oil lantern, fire, blue light, fire, cool, fire lamp thing. Lot's of fiiiire. Then he was super nervous and got down on one knee and said, "Morgan, will you freaking marry me already because we've been together foreeevveerrr!" That isn't what he said at all. It was much sweeter I'm sure and she said, "yyyeaaboooy!" And then high fived and held hands while skipping back up to the house for some dessert.
Next is my favorite part. Morgan was sitting on the couch and drooling over her ring and suddenly there were rose petals being thrown at her. She looked up to Steffen holding a box of rose petals that he accidentally forgot about. I think he  meant to lay them out, but he had a lot on his mind that night so rose petals were probably the last thing. So when he saw them in the fridge he decided he would just throw them at her or "shower" her with flowers ha ha. These two are my favorite couple and I love them both so much! I'm so excited for them! It really was a romantic evening and beautiful, I'm just sarcastic. ;)

Next engagement...oh yea I forgot to mention that 2011 was year of engagements and 2012 will be the year of weddings! So my other close friend Lyndy and her now fiance Dan were engaged September 24, 2011. The day before me and Kevin got engaged ha ha. They were up at the Oktoberfest...I think that's where???... Anywho, they decided to go on a little walk/hike while they were up there. They were sitting and looking out at the sun and all the purddddiness when Dan proposed. Her ring is also GORGEOUS and then they giggled and fireworks when off and they flew off on a magic carpet ;) At least that's what it felt like I'm sure! Lyndy called me later that day and she was so excited. I'm excited for these two, they are both so much fun!

Next, me! But I'm gonna save that for the next post because I have pictures and the story that I want to put all together. So you will just have to wait! ..don't give me that look!

The Holidays came and went, thank the Lord. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays but I seem to be traveling from house to house to house to house to house ( and yes, that is exactly how many houses) and it can be tiring and stressful. I"m sure this year I will have a much happier holiday story for you, but 2011...came and went. It's gone and that's that. I did love seeing all my family though, and opening gifts at the Griffin's. It was nice to just sit and enjoy each others company and we all got spoiled. So that's a bonus ha ha ;) I love my future in-laws by the way! They are the sweetest, funnest, sarcastic, hilarious, kind bunch ever. Never a dull moment and I really get excited for when we all get together. :)

Ok well that's all I really have for 2011. Oh yea, I moved into my dad's place. Yea I'm 24 and live at home. SO WHAT.