Thursday, April 19, 2012

My new hobby :)

Well I think I finally found it! Something I can enjoy doing and call my hobby, new lifestyle, stress reliever, whatever it may be.. it's something I really love. Growing up everyone I knew had something they really enjoyed. It could be anywhere from basketball, gymnastics, and volleyball to art, music, or a collection of some sort. Well I didn't really have that "thing" that I was into. I enjoyed a few different things like being a part of a dance team for a couple years and I was a cheerleader in Jr. High. I really do love playing volleyball and can somewhat play the sport haha AND actually know the rules too bahaha. Anyways, this post isn't for a pity party at all. It's just about something I have found a passion in and really love and can call my..well..."thing!" hahaha that sounds funny, but you know what I mean. :)
Oh you want to know what it is??


I know..suuuuper exciting right!? (note the sarcasm haha) But that's what it is to me, exciting! I used to not really love going to the gym. I think because I looked at it as something I HAD to do instead of WANTED to do. I viewed it as something taking up my ohsoprecioustime.
Ever since I met Kevin I have had an interest in the gym. I think it first started my interest mostly because he is super fit and a very healthy eater and I was.......the "give me my popcorn/chocolate/fried chicken/COLA/ ..oh brooowniiiiesssss!" kinda person. And I still am at heart haha. I first thought maybe if I wanted him to stick around I better start working out. Then it turned out he wasn't one of "those" guys and actually loved me for me and didn't need this teeny tiny trophy girlfriend.
His healthy lifestyle has rubbed off on me! HELP!!!
Just kidding..but really it's weird of me. Anyways, I started off this year with the resolution to not drink anymore soda, especially coke-a-cola. I'm a former addict of that stuff and boy was it hard to quit. Sometimes I think of relapsing. Sshhhhh don't tell Kevin.
On a good note though, I haven't relapsed and I am officially just under 4 months clean!! Go me! haha
Anyways, it has been hard this last month getting into the gym because of wedding things that took place. But now that Lyndy and Dan are officially hitched I have some time to really dedicate myself before the next event in June for Mo and Muffin :) (Can't wait! It's going to be awesome!)

Well I just realized how side tracked I got there...back to fitness!
I'm addicted to They have great articles and advice forums on there that help you to learn which foods and excercises are good for you. I probably read about 6 a day lately and I am currently onto Phase two of Livefit 12 week program. It's great!
My hardest thing is the clean diet. Man oh man is it hard! I've learned the best way to make sure I eat healthy through the week is to make Sundays my "meals day" and cook up my meals for the week. It helps A LOT!

Anywho so there's my post for the day haha. It might be boring for you but I'm pretty excited about my goals I'm setting for myself. I am noticing a difference in my thighs and my arms a little bit. Getting more definition! I really want a toned back too :) I am trying to get into pretty good shape for my wedding in August and then after that possibly train for a bikini figure competition. But we will see, that's all future stuff and it's kind of expensive! One day and one workout at a time :) We'll see what happens from there!

Friday, April 13, 2012

I suck.

Ok sooooooo the 30 day blog challenge.....yea I'm gonna just stop that now. I can't do it ha ha. There's way too much going on this month and honestly this blog is the last thing on my mind during the days. I'll just give some updates on some events that just recently happened :)

My Lyndy Mae got hitched!! I can't even believe it! I've known Lyndy since I was 17 and she is one of my closest friends. We can talk about anything and always have fun even if we are doing nothing. She is so laid back and such a sweetheart. Her and Dan met about a month before Kevin and I met. So maybe july/august-ish of 2010. They are so cute together and makes me happy to see them so happy in love together :) (yea i'm bringing the cheezy on...i know!) They really are so sweet together. They got engaged the day before Kevin and I did ha ha. It was pretty hilarious. She called me up on September 24th yelling "I'M ENGAGGGEEDDDDDDD!" and she told me how he proposed and everything. Then the next day after hiking my booty off I called her and said the same thing back and we just laughed! 

Their wedding was GORGEOUS! Us girls stayed in a hotel room the night before the wedding so that in the morning we could all get ready and then head to the church. I did Lyndy's hair..which I was kinda nervous because it was only her big day! But I have had some wedding hair experience for Fawn that turned out well, and it turned out well for Lyndy. What a relief!!! Anyways, I thought she would maybe be nervous on the big day but she was so relaxed and finally relieved that her wedding was finally here. The dancing was my favorite part. I think me and Morgan may have owned that dance floor hahaha! I gave my maid of honor speech...that I as TERRIFIED to do. I absolutely HATE speaking in front of people. Even if it's people I know, it makes me so nervous. I don't know why, but I think it's just everyone's eyes on me and the quietness that's awkward???? I guess really I like that I get to tell the person, like Lyndy and Dan, how special they are and that I'm happy for them....but it's all the eyes watching hahah.

Anyways, enough about me and my paranoid mind about talking haha. Congrats to Lyndy and Dan!! I love you both and I'm so happy for you guys!

Next in line to get hitched
Steffen and Morgan!! 
Can't wait!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 13!

#13. Your thoughts or opinions about Mean Girls.

Hahaha probably one of my favorite movies! 
What's NOT great about this movie?

It's a good thing Lindsey Lohan starred in this movie....because it's all she had goin. Sorry sista, but get it together already.

Anyways. Mean Girls= Genius 


Sooooo I missed a few days. It's been a busy week for sure! But I'll catch up on my days and then catch up with what's been going on :)

#12. Your thoughts or opinions about Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is the man.
I only read up to the fourth book, seen every movie, and I have to say...... 
good stuff!
My favorite though are reading Harry Potter jokes.
Like this one
And this one
