Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy Flippin New Year!

I feel like it's been months since I have posted anything. 
Oh wait.
It has been.

Well my new year resolution is to blog more! it's not. But! I do want to make an effort to update once a month because I really do want to be able to go back and read our whole fantabulous crazy odd life years down the road. And for our children to be able to see the proof that their parents are totally awesome.

All the Holidays were great and fun and full of craziness and mayhem like they always are. Sometimes I felt like this:

Happy as a clam. Enjoying the holiday spirit and seeing family and friends, and putting up our first Christmas tree as a married couple. Aww tender...I know! I'm a super genius and didn't take pictures. Go me! I absolutely LOVE picking out Christmas trees, decorating, all the parties, and of course Christmas music :) I love all the treats, food, and beverages I can stuff my little face with and giving gifts to friends and family.....and receiving them. Haha! You know you do too...admit it.
Ok moving on. Then other times I felt like thiiis:

Like I was going to lose my shit. First off, Christmas shopping. I'm not talking about shopping for our loved ones. I'm talking about other shoppers. They are coo-coo for cocoa puffs. Also, people who drive like they skipped drivers ed and decided to take it up on Riverdale road everyday of December. Anyone else agree? 

All in all it was a great Christmas! We hung out with family on both Christmas Eve and Christmas and we were so spoiled. I absolutely love all my family and friends and there is something about Christmas that makes life so fun and yep...I'm about to say it... magical. Most of all I love Christmas because of the meaning of it. Jesus our Savior! That Jesus...He's such a great guy. I help watch kids on Sunday at church and was scheduled to serve the Sunday before Christmas. It was so fun to teach the kids about Jesus and do crafts with them. It's the best to see their little eyes light up and get so excited to tell you about Him. I have been absolutely blessed this past year with so many events and opportunities and people in my life. I thank God for everything He has put in my life, and especially of the TIMING of everything. His timing and plan is perfect. 

New Years Eve was pretty fun hanging out with friends and playing board games. Kev and I were sick with this stupid PLAGUE that is going around, so on New Year's Day he slept and I watched Netflix pretty muuuuuuuuch all day, and like the whole first week of this month. Now we are back to work and normal life again. Well....I'm not sure how normal we are. Who really is?

So after all the Holidays I guess I kinda felt like this after: 


I hope you all had amazingly fun Holidays and that 2013 will treat you well! 

My resolution(s) this year: 1. Take more pictures. Sheesh I am a slacker.
2. Clean eating/working out. Yea. Reeeeaaaal original! But I haven't been in 2 months and I miss it.
3. And maybe stop being a hermit.....the snow doesn't help though. 

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