Saturday, July 14, 2012

Found this interesting....

I was recently asked if I have ever researched birth control and what it does step by step in your body. "Nope." was my answer and I think in the moment I really honestly didn't care. Sorry to the individual who asked me, just my honest answer ha ha. My day was already bumming me out and the last thing on my mind was birth control. All I knew is that it would prevent pregnancy and, fingers crossed, clear up my flipping acne. Oh and of course the fact that I can have a stroke, blood clot, migraines, nausea (yep!), and blurred vision (shockingly yes I do have blurry vision lately!!), and every possible horrible thing that can go wrong in your body. But heeeeey, I wont get pregnant!! GEEEEZ, pregnancy doesn't sound so bad now does it? I mean at least a child isn't trying kill you (supposedly ). ;)

Moving on. Later the next day I got thinking about the question and started doing some research. I actually did wonder about what the pill does and how it works. I am getting married soon and about a month ago I went to the doctor and was put on the pill so that my body would get used to it over time. Honestly, I was so rushed about it that I really didn't take the time to check into it, I figured the doc would explain its function, and that it wasn't a big deal to me. That did not happen. She didn't explain it at all or go into depth about it. I wanted to know about it because I have never been a big medicine person. I don't like taking antibiotics or medicine. I hate even taking allergy pills because even the "non-drowsy" ones make me sleepy, and now I am supposed to take something that is going to completely change my hormones and body? Yeaaa...I was a little nervous. But I just took it anyways because, like I said, I was rushed and I figured millions of women do it soooo whatever I'll get over it.

Well, my thoughts...I HATE THE PILL. It's the devil. I'm crazy one day, sad the next day, in pain another day, grumpy the next, and then as happy as a clam after that day. I'm always tired and dizzy. Blek! I think there are women out there who can agree! (not that anyone is probably reading this blog ha ha)

Ok now I'll get to my point of this post. I read this book and encourage others to read it also. It explains the functions of the pill and all types of birth control methods. I was a bit shocked and surprised at what I read. I also did other research into articles of what it does as well, and what each type of method of birth control does. There is a reason why birth control is only 99.whatever% effective. Did you know that there is possible conception that takes place and that it isn't until a certain amount of days later that implantation takes place. Birth control thins the lining of your uterus so that implantation wont take place and causing the lining to not hold enough nutrients supply for a conceived baby. Normally the lining thickens as you reach that fabulous time of the month that we all just jump up and down for. This is to provide nutrients, oxygen, and blood supply to the new possible baby that was just conceived days before. Not seconds or minutes, but days! That means there is a little guy/gal floating around for a few days until he/she finally implants on the lining.The only problem is that it's alive but wont implant because eventually it is flushed out. I hope you are putting the pieces together here.

No one knows how many times you will actually ovulate on birth control and how many times conception takes place throughout the time period that a woman is on birth control. The point is that it happens though, otherwise there would be a birth control that is 100% effective not 99%. Yea 100%-99%..same thing right? Except what about those who DO get pregnant on BC and were NOT partaking in anything that would cause the BC to become ineffective? This is why it is not fully 100% effective. There are possible chances where a baby is conceived  and is ALIVE but can't implant because of the thinning of the lining and it dies when it is flushed out. Take what you will from this book, I found it pretty interesting to read. I am just posting this also because like myself, I don't think a lot of us really researched in depth about what BC does to your body to cause it to do things like I've just explained.

And for my other big speech that everyone does on posts: I obviously did not write this post to judge, instigate an argument, or belittle anyone. I am not that kind of person. I know that this is a huge controversial subject and everyone has their own opinions on it. And you know what, that's ok! In fact it's great really because each person should do their own research on the subject and find out what you will settle on at the end of the search. The point is to research and study what you are putting in your body. I felt like sharing because it really settled on my heart, it might help someone who randomly strolls onto this blog that has a similar question. Again, no judging! I have friends and family that are for/against birth control and pro-life and pro-abortion and we have disagreements but at the end of the day we love each other and no one thinks they are better than the next.

Enjoy the read! It's very interesting and it's great for both views on BC!

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you, I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ash! I loved this post! I was put on BC 2 weeks after I had Lake. It was most definitely the Devil! I will NEVER use BC again. My method is the rythm method and its worked thus far! Good luck sweetheart and I promise that any time a baby comes, it will be a blessing, whether you are planning it or not!
