Thursday, May 10, 2012

How cute is my fiance?! :)

This story will give you a good laugh!

Sooo yesterday after work me and Kev decided we would paint games and his headboard for our wedding and to start fixing up some furniture to make it..cuter I guess?? It was really fun and he did such a great job on our wedding games... I don't really want to give them away :) Well painting took quite awhile and I was super tired after and decided to head home.

I got home and went to text him to let him know I made it home safely but realized I had left my phone at his house. So I just thought,"Hmmm. Whatev. He'll see it and I'll get it in the morning." Then I went and swan dived into my bed. It looked something like this...

Minus the cool sky and elegance and add in a messy bed, about 6 pillows, and TONS of laundry everywhere and you now you've got the picture!

So there I am, all comfy in bed and just as I am falling asleep I hear this tapping on my window. I thought...

Then it happened again. and again.
My bedroom is on the 2nd floor of our house too. So things were getting weird!
So I get up and look out my window and I see headlights in my driveway turn on and then I leap off my bed and run down the stairs to look through the peephole in the door.

I see this person running back and forth from what looked like the street to the tree in our front yard.
Instead of opening the door and looking out there or yelling, I go all 5 year old on my dad and wake him up saying," Daaaaaaaadddddd someone is throwing shit at our house and it's hitting my window." (Sorry for language.)
My parents fly out of bed, it's like 1am, and Karen whips open the door and who I'm thinking is gonna be there....

Was actually....


Karen smiles and says,"YOU SCARED US!!!" Hahaha his face was priceless! He felt so bad because I had woke everyone up.
Here's the cute part :)
He tells me he brought me my phone and that he had to come and check to make sure I made it home safely. He was trying to throw little dirt clods at my window to wake me up because he didn't want to wake my family up..... good job me ha ha.
It was so cute and, naturally, I ruined it a little haha. I just like that I watched him through my door for like 5 minutes and couldn't tell it was him.

Of course I would take the whole romantic idea of a guy throwing little pebbles at a girl's window

...and instead go with the idea of this happening...

I think I just realized why my dating life in high school was non-existant.

Anyways. It was pretty humorous and I had to blog the story because it was so cute too :)

Kevin is such a sweetheart, and I can't understand the amount of "caring" he has in his heart. This has happened before too.
You didn't think I was done telling my story did you?
This story was him driving from his house in Ogden to my Dad's house in Roy. One time when I still lived in Liberty with Fawn, I walked outside to get something out of my car and saw a note that said:

I had to make sure you were home ok, I love you

I thought for some reason somebody was joking around with me and automatically assumed Morgan. Probably because either she lived just down the street or because she's my best friend and naturally I would think she is up to something ha ha. Turned out it was Kevin! I can't remember if it's because my text didn't go through to him, but he drove from Ogden up to Liberty (a good 40 min. drive both ways) just to make sure I made it home.
Yep. I love him!

I'm very blessed to be with such a caring handsome fellow :)
Thanks for all you do Kev, are you sure you know who you're marrying????? haha
Hope you all enjoyed reading!