Ok, so today I'm really bored because I'm all caught up at work so I will be posting stuff for awhile probably. I haven't been able to do it lately because I have literally been busy planning, helping others plan, and trying to keep up on other things all at once. It's really hard, I'm not gonna lie. However, it's all fun at the same time :)
So, now to the fun part. OUR ENGAGEMENT DAY! This may be boring to whoever reads this, but I am doing this mostly for me and Kevin and our family to be able to read when I get the book printed one day. I had NO IDEA that he was going to propose. Seriously, if I did I would not have worn this:
Let me break this down: Red sunglasses, my awesome .5k t-shirt. Yes you read that right .5k. That was from a different awesome day ha ha. Lastly, hot pink shorts. Do I know fashion or what??
So, the day was September 25, 2011 and we were all going up to hike Ben Lomond Peak. It was Kevin, me, Sam, Tay, Rachel, and Thomas. The drive up was beautiful and pretty fun because we all got to ride in Tay's new truck. After a couple hours though we were over it and ready to hike!
There's Sam, I was pretty jealous he was up on this massive boulder because I wanted to get up there so bad ha ha. But I'm vertically challenged and had crappy shoes on so it was probably a good choice I didn't go for it.
I have a LOT more pictures and of course I can't find them to post here. We saw some mountain goats which was pretty sweet! Then a moment later we passed some hunters hiking out and one had the head of a mountain goat tied to his pack.....not so sweet....moving on! Let's just say the whole time, everyone knew Kevin was going to propose to me, except me. I seriously thought he was going to propose on my birthday and didn't think twice that he would maybe propose at the top. So there we are hiking away, and I'm bringing up the back. Surprise surprise! I was sweating, my hip was killing me, and any thought that I was in shape immediately left my mind because I was out of breath. It was a perfect day for a hike though and so much fun. We were goofing around and I really wish I had more pictures to post.
Yea, I'm 5'2" and he's 6'5"...there is a sliiiiight height difference! I love it :) (Note to our future children: We rule.)
These guuuuuys! My new brothers, and I have to say they are pretty awesome. I can finely keep up with Sam's sarcasm now and Tay cracks me up. No, they are not a couple ha ha, but we always make them take a picture together when we all hang out just to tease them. (Note to our future children: These two have the WORST farts ever. They own it proudly! They are also big teddy bears and a whole lot of fun. Plan on some sweet trips with these guys!)

These two! Well here they are in a nutshell. I actually met Rachel a few years ago at a Bible study through Intervarsity. From the day I met her I loved her because we share the same humor and she is so much fun! Who knew I would marry her brother?? Well apparently her because before me and Kev had ever even met she told him that he could marry me ha ha. Her and Thomas started dating last summer and I'm pretty sure are the next in line to get hitched ;) (Note to our future children: You will probably learn a lot of, if not most, of your sarcasm from these two. They are super fun and Rachel has full rights as your aunt to discipline you. Yea...you read it here. So I don't want to hear any complaints. She is amazing with kids! They are both fun and adventurous people so plan on many adventure filled days!)
Hannah wasn't there this day, but we got to see her at dinner. She is a sweetheart and I'm happy to have two new sisters!! :) (Note to future children: Your aunt Hannah is a sweetie and she has a heart for trying new things. Since I have met her she has been involved in dance, swimming, and I don't think it will end there. Maybe she will teach you her skills!)
Ok moving forward, so we are almost to the top and Sam and Tay totally ditched us and got there way before we did. Turns out, it was all part of the plan and you will know why in a minute. So just wait. We finally get up there and sit down and have a beer and eat some lunch.We are all enjoying the moment, in my head I'm secretly thinking, "Thank God I made it up here alive, I'm about to kill over."
Right?!!! cute... I know ;)
So we take pictures and we are all just hanging out and then I'm thinking we are about to head back to the truck and I march up to the tin case stand where you are suppose to sign your name if you made it to the top. I'm like, "Let's sign this thing!!" and I flip up the lid and stare at this:

For a split second I thought, "Oh shit. I just ruined someone's proposal." Yea...I'm really smart I went to college. Then I yell out, " FOR REAAAAAL!?" Just a note: Kevin was actually holding the ring, this picture was taken after he proposed. Anyways so I turn and Kev is on his knee, which makes him like the same height as me, and he says," I love you Ash, will you marry me?" He said he had more planned to say but when I started crying he was trying not to and spaced what he wanted to say ha ha. So then I circle yes and do my "happy dance" about 500 times squared. Everyone has their cameras out and then I look over and Rachel is pulling out champagne and little cups. That's when I realized everyone knew and was in on it. Sam and Tay had hurried ahead to the top to write on the notepad for Kevin. Rachel got to the top and was leaning against the tin stand so that I couldn't sign it yet till we left. It was so awesome and the happiest day and coolest engagement ever :)

Might I add that we had some awesome photographers doing work, I love all our pictures :)

I think after the proposal everyone was so relieved ha ha. They were trying to not give it away or completely blow it by accidentally saying something. At one point, and I can't remember who, was singing some love song and Tay said, "That's a perfect song for today!" I remember Rachel saying something along the lines of not really or something basically telling him to shut it ha ha. The one person who almost completely blew it though was me! Before we had even left the house we were all in the kitchen waiting for some others. I was sitting down across from Rachel and Kevin was leaning on the fridge right next to me. I looked over and was talking to Kev when I just thought I would bug him, it's my favorite thing to do :), and I just reached across and unzipped his side pocket zipper on his shorts. He reached down and said, "Hey girl! Don't be unzippin my zippers," and zipped it shut. I just laughed and then went on talking because I never shut up and didn't think twice about it. Well, that pocket is where he was holding my ring and while I was sitting there blabbing away, everyone else in the room had just pooped their pants ha ha.
So that's the story! When we got home Scott and Joy had an amazing dinner all cooked up for all of us and an engagement cake to celebrate. I love Kevin so much and I can't imagine being with anyone else. Yep...I'm bringing on the cheese so be ready! He seriously hasn't changed since the day I have met him. He is always so sweet and extremely caring. Our story just amazes me. I love that Rachel had said he could marry me before he had ever even met me. Steffen and Morgan were trying to set us up as well but the times that they tried never worked out with all our schedules really. I'm pretty flipping glad I told Lyndy I would go to beerfest that summer in 2010 because that's where it all began. Kevin's parents also met over enjoying a beer together. See people, beer brings people together! ;) I can't wait to be his wife and I absolutely love his family!! I'm so blessed and happy that this is part of the plan that God has for me. August can get here now :)